Self-Love : Finding Happy


Everyone’s journey is unique to find their true selves and find their happy. Life has a way of sidetracking that journey but you have to keep rolling with it and following the steps that point you in your true direction. In my life there has been some things that have sidetracked me but I have found that they happened for a reason. For example, we left school to be “happy” together which left us broke and living with my now in laws. Having no college degree and no job experience wasn’t exactly what I’d call being happy but seeing the determination in my husband’s eyes helped me adjust to this new life. We decided to get a job, any job, and tried everywhere we could think of using our strength’s to guide us. Our “strengths” led us to many closed doors ultimately leading us to don the fantastic uniform of red and yellow, aka McDonald’s. This was not a proud moment but we went to work every day grateful for the opportunity to make a living and worked harder than anyone else there. So, we found a happy place between the fryers and sweeping the parking lot which gave us a few advantages/promotions in the six months we worked there. We didn’t stay long because our focus was always “what makes us happy and how do we get there?” Having a forward focus kept us pushing to do more for ourselves and the family that we were creating. This focus helped us overcome the sadness of our miscarriage and pushed us to find careers we could be proud of.

The day we lost our baby was a day just like any other, we woke up got dressed and I left for work. Thankfully we were in our first apartment and out of my in-laws garage since they didn’t have an outdoor bathroom. All day at work I was having cramping which I attributed to period cramping and tried to ignore it. When I arrived home I laid down with my husband telling him how the cramping was coming and going. He helped as much as he could by starting a bath for me prior to himself leaving for work. We only had one car at this time and worked odd shifts. No more than 10 minutes later I call my husband in a panic because the cramping had ended and I had lost the baby. In tears he returned home and we comforted each other while also talking over what had happened. We knew that we were not ready to start a family at 19/20 years old and we dried our tears. Life had a way of throwing something unexpected at us and teaching us how to overcome by relying on each other. This loss was a turning point for us while strengthening our relationship at the same time. Five years later we married, gave birth to our son, finding our happy in our careers and life together.

We took a few bumps in life and turned them into dreams. Our happy was found in loving each other, allowing each other to heal, grow, and excel. He found his happy in audio video installation and programming while I followed my love for families to help educate my fellow natural parents.


Finding My Happy



“You are special, You are loved, You matter, You are BEAUTIFUL”

About Author

Bryttany is the founder of and mom to two under the age of two! When she isn't working she is running The Natural Minded Parents of Woodstock and teaching classes on attachment parenting, cloth diapers, and more. She will be sharing her experiences as a "crunchy mom" with the hopes of inspiring others to live their true selves.

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