Resolve To Be Grateful in 2017


Resolve To Be Grateful in 2017

Every year you get a do over, a new year to make your life count. This year I am starting with being grateful and developing a positive outlook for my family’s future. I am also putting a heavy focus on planning our year. Planning and gratitude go hand in hand because it is hard to think positively when you are overwhelmed by tasks. Looking back I have always struggled with knowing the difference between genuine gratitude and just saying “thank you.” It’s a hard line to follow but sincere gratitude is worth every step of the way.

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Be the Change and Build a Grateful Heart

Change your mindset and you can change the world. I truly believe this statement to be true. Every thing in life comes at a cost. I believe in Karma and that is why I have developed freebies to help spread that good Karma around. I have also started using my planner to chart all of the events and how I can change my life every day.

Speaking of planners, have you purchased one yet? Ya’ll it’s the biggest step to changing your mindset! I have planned out all of January, huge weight off my mind, and I am working on my Gratitude Challenge now! Every day I sit down with my planner, update where I need to and fill out what I am thankful for!STARTplanner Gratitude

First up: I am thankful for my STARTplanner! Having a planner in general is a huge step in the right direction for me. I have lists everywhere in my house and it is just creating more clutter. I debated on a few different planners, and for Amazon lovers like me there are a BUNCH on Amazon to choose from. For me a good planner had to have lots of space, reminders, and it had to be FUN! The STARTplanner I chose isn’t very colorful but that is why I am thankful for stickers too!

Basically all of this to say, get your life started, make plans, create, and be GREATFUL! You never know who you might inspire if you start living life with gratitude as the first part of your heart.

About Author

Bryttany is the founder of and mom to two under the age of two! When she isn't working she is running The Natural Minded Parents of Woodstock and teaching classes on attachment parenting, cloth diapers, and more. She will be sharing her experiences as a "crunchy mom" with the hopes of inspiring others to live their true selves.

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