Quick Full Body “Resistance” Workout


Quick Full Body “Resistance” Workout

Our littles can give us a lot of resistances: resisting a nap, resisting potty training (my life right now), resisting brushing their teeth or eating there vegetables… I could go on forever!

They can also provide us with some good resistance for our workouts.  Pick up your little one and get started on the workout below:

Complete each exercise for 30s, rest 30s at the end of each round and complete each round 3 times before moving to the next.

Round 1:

Sumo Squats- chest lifted, weight in your heals, and legs spread wide so that your knees do not go past your toes.

Overhead Press – relax your neck and shoulders

Round 2:

Pushups – on your knees is also an option, aim chest to fall between your hands

Bridges- squeeze your core and butt at the top

Round 3:

Plank Hold- wrist directly below shoulders, fee should width apart and keep your butt out of the air

Windmill Plank – on your knees is also and option, try to maintain good plank form throughout

This workout is appropriate for any little one with good neck control up to a big as you can handle lifting 😉

About Author

Alison Marie is a personal trainer and weight loss specialist. She is also a single-mom, teacher, runner, and entrepreneur. Living Room Workout Club was born from finding balance in it all and she loves helping other moms do the same! You can find more information at www.livingroomworkoutclub.com

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