My Potty Mouth & Potty Training
We decided to pull focus on potty training this month. Cleaning poop off of two kids is exhausting and gross. I knew that it was going to take a lot of patience and a lot of cleaning but I knew it was for the best. What I did not expect was what happened next…
Let’s back up a little to the day we really decided to put it into practice. I am on the way to a business meeting for LaVie Bebe and as I left Target I accidentally let my potty mouth fly. As we backed out, a car came flying and I uttered, “Oh F***!” Not even a minute later I hear a small voice from the back seat saying, “FFFFFFF***” putting all of the emphasis on the F. Holding back my laughter I put my gentle parenting skills to use saying, “Killian I know mommy said that word but let’s not say it anymore it is not nice, mommy should know better.” It was in that moment I realized he could understand what I was saying and was ready to start learning other things.
The next day I pulled out the potty chair and showed him how to pull down his training pants. Yes we use disposables and yes I know it’s not very “crunchy” but no mommy shaming! He loves that he can pull down his own training pants whenever he has to go. He even went pee and poop the first time he sat on it! This is a great sign, I thought, figuring this will be easy; apparently my child has other plans.
The same day he learned to take off the training pants he also decides that he would rather not wear them and just run naked. Thinking to myself, “well he went earlier I guess he is ready to go,” I decide to let him just be free. That is my biggest mistake, instead of cleaning off my child I now have to clean the floor. He pees on the floor twice and then the unthinkable happens. He poops. On the floor. Not just on the floor, literally right next to my foot. He doesn’t even squat or anything! So I said, “What the H***?!” forgetting that my child can now copy me. Basically the worst afternoon ever but we make it through and I learn to keep my big old potty mouth quiet.

Big Boy Potty Training
Fast forward to yesterday when I decide to buy him “big boy underwear” to see if that helps our journey. He has been going more often in the potty but still has accidents in the training pants. So I purchase underwear and fruit snacks as a prize. The first few hours go by great until that first accident in the underwear. Completely upset, he did not understand why it was all over him. Again using gentle parenting I explained to him how it worked and that going in the toilet next time would avoid a mess.
Did I mention my little guy will only be 2 next month? I know it’s early so I’m learning how to have patience and not expect him to get it right away. He did great yesterday and we rewarded him with fruit snacks. He loved the treats and wanted to tell me how much so he yelled out, “F***’n Snacks!” I about fell over laughing so hard because I knew he was just trying to say “Fruit Snacks”. But with the journey we have been on it was just icing on the potty cake.
1 Comment
Thanks for the great post keep up the amazing work.