How I Created My Breastfeeding Village
First off, let me start by saying, there’s no wrong way to feed your baby. Whether it be formula or breastmilk, as long as your precious bundle of joy is being fed, that is all that matters. As you know, I was a formula feeding mom prior to the birth of my third son 7 weeks ago. As one may gather, that does not make me an expert on breastfeeding AT ALL. I am a true newbie. Just ask my friend, Caroline, how many panicked texts she gets per day asking about my supply, videos of his latch and his demeanor at feeding time and much more. It’s safe to say I am a worrier. But I made a goal for myself (multiple goals, actually) and I am sticking to this breastfeeding thing. It’s important to me but that is a very personal decision. I am aware that moms stop breastfeeding for many different reasons and that’s why this post isn’t directly speaking to them. I am talking to the mom who is on the fence about breastfeeding. A first time mom. One who feels like she doesn’t quite fit in with this whole motherhood thing. A mom who feels like she might be getting it wrong a little bit. That was me. From the time I found out I was pregnant with my third, I knew I wanted breastfeeding to work out. I have said before that is when I really started my research on breastfeeding and I started closely following breastfeeding posts on MAMC, not because I was nursing an infant but because I wanted a look into the life of a breastfeeding mom. I wanted to know the ins and outs. I also wanted a support group. MAMC checked that off the list for me as well. (Can you tell my love for MAMC?) It wasn’t until after I had my son 7 weeks ago that I truly began to discover the community that was awaiting me. Breastfeeding hasn’t been a total walk in the park with my son, Ford. Let’s be honest, it’s probably only a walk in the park for very few moms. That’s ok because there’s help! There’s help for the first time mom and the mom who worries a lot. The mom who is very unsure about the demands of breastfeeding and if it will work for her. This came in the form of a few good friends for me and a wonderful lactation consultant.

Yes! Your breastfeeding village starts here!
It hit me the other day sitting in the little room visiting with my LC, how incredibly lucky I am to sit here across from a woman who has dedicated her career to helping women like me breastfeed successfully. She’s sweet, sassy, and totally understands what I’m going through. She even had a 20 minute conversation with me about what type of birth control would be best for our family. It is such a breath of fresh air. Also, my friends who I’ve been able to call on (or text at 3:00AM) hearing only their best and most uplifting advice. I just can’t help but feel so grateful for these women and their support.
However you decide to feed your baby, please know that you too have a village waiting for you out there. I personally think it is up to you to create it and reach out to others for that bond in motherhood. I hope you will because that support has made all the difference for me in my relationship and bond with baby number three.
xo, tiffany