Home-Birth?! No Way! Part 1


As a child I was always fascinated by children, pregnancy, and birthing. I would pretend that I married my dream guy, got pregnant, and had the sweetest baby ever. I always imagined that day would come and my husband would rush me off to the hospital trying to avoid getting pulled over. We would pull up to the doors and they would wheel me back to a room, strip me down, and a few hours later I’d have a baby! As a child I never thought I would ever consider a home birth let alone two of them! When I found my crunchy journey one of the first things I researched was birth options. I am not a fan of needles, especially near my spine, so I’ve always known I would opt out of the epidural if given the option but it wasn’t until I got pregnant that I would consider birth at home. Now that I have experienced two completely different home birth experiences I know now that for me personally home birth is the only option for our family. Although home birth was the choice for our family I am a firm believer that a healthy baby is all that matters regardless of where or how birth is achieved. Birth is birth and every experience is unique and special. Which is why I want to share both of my birth stories, showing how different they can be and yet so beautiful.

Killian's Home Birth

Killian’s Home Birth

Killian Michael: July 9, 2014

I woke up with contractions around 5am, so instead of waking my husband up I took a shower to determine whether or not it was actual labor. In the weeks before this day I had the wonderful privilege of prodromal labor twice so I didn’t want this time to be a false alarm. After a quick shower and things not slowing down I quietly climbed into bed whispering to my husband, “I don’t think you are going to work today.”

We timed the contractions and informed the midwives of the progression. They determined that it was true labor and said they would head over shortly. Prior to their arrival I called my chiropractor, Dr. Stone, and asked if she would come adjust me during labor. After the adjustment I was able to truly zone in for the work that needed to be done.

The next 6-7 hours I spent in the shower enjoying the water’s relaxation during the contractions I thought would never end. Around the 7-8th hour I started to get tired and uncomfortable in the shower so I moved to the birth tub. My midwives arrived around hour 4 to check both mine and the baby’s vital signs. The midwives also bring oxygen and other medical necessities with them.

Around the 9th hour I felt like this would never end but I also felt like I needed to start pushing. I pushed in the water several times but couldn’t get in the correct position for the baby. My midwife got concerned and checked the baby’s heartbeat. They determined that the baby was fine but the heartbeat was dropping some so I should get out of the tub. I made my way out of the tub battling contractions as I did. Once I exited the tub I felt so much better, I knew my baby was almost here. My husband sat on the birth ball and let me rest on his arms while squatting to push. Hour 10 was rolling around as I made my first pushes out of the tub. Three pushes later my baby made his was Earthside 10 hours and 3 minutes from when labor began. I looked into his eyes and said, “Hi baby!” I fell so deeply in love with my little boy and knew my life would never be the same.

Stay tuned for part 2 AthenaRose’s Home Birth Story, it was totally different!

I fell so deeply in love with my little boy and knew my life would never be the same.

*When choosing a home birth the most important thing to consider is your relationship with the midwives. You are going to see them during your pregnancy and in your home for the birth. The midwives also stay 2-3 hours after birth to ensure that everything is alright, bleeding is ok, and breastfeeding is going well. They then come back 24 hours afterwards and again at 1 week. The final appointment with the midwives comes at 6 weeks where they clear you for normal activity and in my case give you paperwork with details about your birth including your first words to the baby.

Special thank you to:
Stone Family Chiropractic
Birthing Way Midwifery

“You are special, You are loved, You matter, You are BEAUTIFUL”

About Author

Bryttany is the founder of hustleorhyde.com and mom to two under the age of two! When she isn't working she is running The Natural Minded Parents of Woodstock and teaching classes on attachment parenting, cloth diapers, and more. She will be sharing her experiences as a "crunchy mom" with the hopes of inspiring others to live their true selves.

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