Halloween Treats: Monster Cupcakes & Meringue Bones


Desserts are always my favorite part of any holiday, but especially Halloween treats! With lots of class parties and costume parties in the coming weeks, be sure to bring something that will spook and scare the eyes, but tempt the taste buds! Your older kids will LOVE these ooey gooey Blood Clot Biscuits, (BARF!) while the little ones will devour the Monster Cupcakes & Meringue Bones! Muah hahahaha!


Blood Clot Biscuitsblood-clot-biscuits

This one totally looks gross and creepy…your teens and tweens will LOVE it! It actually tasted yummy and felt just like you would imagine. It would look awesome on a spooky buffet table with a little fresh whipped cream and a few fake blood syringes lying nearby or some fake blood bandages..ewwwww! (recipe)






Monster Cupcakes

This is perfect for your kids school Halloween party. I used a white boxed cake mix and added neon green food gel, then filled with bright yellow vanilla pudding, and topped it off with neon purple buttercream frosting, and candy eyes. You can get all these items at your local grocery store in the baking isle and it pretty easy!


Monster Cookiesmonster-cookies

These cookies disappeared in about 5 minutes at my house, so I think that means they were good!  These cookies use cake mix as the base so they are moist and soft. Next time i might add some red food coloring and teeth for a vampire look. Or what about adding some white frosting zig-zagging across it with the eyes peeking out to make a mummy?! (recipe)




red-velvet-hot-chocolateRed Velvet Hot Chocolate & Meringue Bones

Very Yummy and ohhhhh so rich. The cream cheese definitely made the hot chocolate taste super decadent and its perfect for a cool fall eveing. The bones were adorable, but it got me thinking… with one small tweak, this could be a great bachelorette party favor! haha! (hot chocolate & bones)




Now all you have to do is figure out a costume! What’s your go to Halloween party treat? Share your recipe in a comment below!

A few other links to some interesting things I did not have a chance to make but would love to try:

About Author

A former restaurant manager turned stay at home mom to a whirlwind of a little girl. I was born and raised around Atlanta. I love to cook and tend to be a little over organized at times.

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