How To Sneak A Workout Into Busy Mom Life


The most common excuse I hear from moms about why they’re not working out is “I don’t have time.” But the truth is, everyone is busy. You can make time. In fact, you can sneak a workout into your busy mom life without adding any time to your schedule. Hang with me on this one ladies, I promise it works! I know some of you will laugh, and say that I’m crazy, but I DARE YOU to try working these in for a week and see how much better you feel!

The CDC urges you to do 150 minutes of activity each week, which breaks down to approximately 21 minutes a day. Not too impossible, right? My last post, 5 Small Mom Friendly Changes You Can Make for Big Results in Your Health and Fitness, talked about working it in a variety of ways throughout the day, ways that you probably wouldn’t even consider exercise. (called NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis)  Adding extra movement to your day can have a major impact on your overall health and weight loss.

Watch my quick video how to!


Sunrise sun salutations: As soon as you roll out of bed, treat yourself to a few sun salutations. This yoga warm up staple has dual benefits.  Combining your breathing with deep stretching will energize your day and holding your body weight in each pose will give your muscles the first toning session of the day.

Here’s how: stand tall with your feet together.  Exhale as you fold forward, bring your palms to meet the floor (bend your knees as much as you need to).  Press your chest toward your thighs. Inhale as you come up halfway, bring your fingertips to your shins, straighten your back, and gaze forward. Exhale and fold again.  This time on the exhale step back into plank position and slowly lower yourself down toward the ground.  Keep your elbows tight in by your side.  You can drop to your knees for this step, if necessary.  Just before you touch down, inhale and shift your weight forward into upward facing dog.  Press through your palms, arch your back and look up toward the ceiling. Exhale shift your weight back into downward dog, hips toward the sky and chest toward your thighs. Hold this position for a few deep breaths and then on an inhale step forward and stand up tall. Repeat 2 more times.

Brush and Balance: Once you’ve placed your hair up in the classic messy bun, get in your balance work while you brush your teeth.  Perform single leg balance and reach for one minute on each side while you brush.  Stabilizing on one leg like this will wake up all your muscles in your legs and you will be forced to tighten your core for balance #freeabworkout.

Laundry: Fold and Squat: If you have a load of laundry to fold (and when don’t you?), place the basket on the ground next to a table. Squat down to pick up an article of clothing from the basket, then stand up to fold on the table.  Repeat until the basket is empty.  Repeat until everything is folded. Do the same thing for picking up the kids’ toys or unloading the dishwasher.

Playtime Cardio: Children need physical activity too.  Actively play with your kids and everyone wins! Play tag, take a brisk walk, kick a ball in the yard, play leapfrog or hopscotch, or jump rope. Check out the site Games We Used to Play for some really fun idea that you might remember from your childhood.  You can even submit your own favorite!

Stay tuned for my next blog post featuring a backyard obstacle course that is sure to be fun for the whole family. You won’t even realize you are getting in a good workout!

Pick ‘em Ups: The inchworm is a love/hate exercise of mine.  They are tough but they get the job done quickly. It takes just a few minutes for some serious arm and ab toning. Bonus: if you do the reps quickly enough (with good form of course), you’ll sneak in a little cardio work too!

Start standing with feet hip-width apart. Hinge forward at your hips and place your palms on the floor, bending your knees as needed to reach. Walk your hands forward so that you’re in a high plank position. Pick up a toy. Walk your hands back toward feet and deposit the toy in the bin.  Continue until you’ve picked up the desired toys.

Power Cleaning: Vacuuming is as never ending as laundry with all dirt and crumbs my toddler produces.  You have to do it anyway, so why not make it worth the time by turning it into a little workout? While vacuuming (or dusting, sweeping, mopping…), work fast and add lunges while you do it.

As you push the vacuum forward, take a big step forward with one foot and sink down into a lunge. Make sure your front knee doesn’t go past the front toe. If so, you need to step out a little further. Pull back on the vacuum as you step back again.  Repeat this motion throughout the room.  Alternate legs between lunges.

Grocery Store Basket Lift: *Not included in the video because I’m not bold enough to video myself at the grocery store.* If you are lucky enough to be in the grocery store sans kiddos, pick up a basket and carry it with a slightly bent arm. It’s a static exercise that will give your biceps and triceps a good workout. Don’t forget to switch arms. Do this in Target too; carrying your basket instead of pushing a cart will help you curb your spending. #bonus.


About Author

Alison Marie is a personal trainer and weight loss specialist. She is also a single-mom, teacher, runner, and entrepreneur. Living Room Workout Club was born from finding balance in it all and she loves helping other moms do the same! You can find more information at

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