To start, I have a confession… I have hoarding tendencies at times. The first step is acknowledging it, right? It’s not that I’m preparing for a zombie attack or natural disaster… I just get excited when I see great deals! When I first started couponing, I actually turned a storage closet into a second pantry. (I also purchased a second freezer, but I still stand by that one as a wise investment.) Since then, I’ve learned the difference between taking advantage of an excellent buy (savvy shopping) and purchasing more food than my family actually needs (hoarding). The key to savvy shopping is understanding grocery stores’ sales cycles.
In general, items in grocery stores (in the southeastern U.S.) hit their lowest prices about every 6-8 weeks.* This is the perfect savvy shopping guideline! When you see an item on a really great sale, look to buy exactly how much your family will need for the next 6-8 weeks. If you purchase less than that, you will likely have to purchase more at a higher price before it goes on sale again. Purchasing more just means you’ll be storing more food than necessary. This simple rule of thumb made a world of difference for me!

Holden Hadley Sams Club
So for example, if your family has pasta one night a week, and pasta goes on sale… you’re looking to buy 6-8 boxes of pasta. Not two. Not twenty. Easy peasy! It will take a few weeks of shopping with this strategy in mind while still purchasing those items your family HAS to have, but the goal here is to get to the point where your grocery trips revolve around what is on sale rather than what items are running low in your pantry or freezer. Now you’ve become a savvy shopper!
*Your grocery store’s produce department is one exception to this rule. Produce items are very seasonal, so they tend to go on sale for several weeks and then go back to regular price. Be sure to check out my produce price comparison spreadsheet to help you recognize great produce deals!
Looking for other ways to save? Be sure to check out Mel’s post on Atlanta thrifty family fun!